Thursday, July 17, 2008

Markets are entropic!

Recall our endorsement of Mr. George Soros in
regarding the fact that US Capital Markets are really not free markets.
Mr. Soros observes the US Capital Markets continue to function because the government agencies often intervene and stabilize.

What more proof would you like? SEC decrees some stocks may not go bankrupt and disallow shorting in those stocks. What about Wellman which is near bankrupt? What about ATHM that went bankrupt? Enron, Win Dixie, Calpine. How does the SEC choose whose greenback to protect whose not to protect. What is random about the market?
Financials -- it can only go one way -- UP -- until this short rules are lifted.

The markets are asymmetric. It can only go up. There is no downtick rule to buy long.
Try shorting the stock because your analysis recommends a negative outlook. But you cannot.
You need to wait for uptick rule. All of these makes going long easy and shorting harder.

Like entropy markets can only go up. Why is the SEC in on this? Does it help the listed companies! Of course not! The listed companies take investors money during the initial public offering -- IPO --. Post IPO when I sell IBM and say you buy IBM money changes hand but not a penny finds its way to the company. All the post market action fetches nada -- zippo -- to the company investors think they are funding. Stock price helps executives pocket more money at the expense of unsuspecting workers and investing public. Welcome to the asymmetric entropic markets! The capital markets -- free style --.

My confidence! It is rock bottom and sinking further deep. But it is not my confidence that SEC is trying to shore up. It is the super mega rich that are protected. I will not see 10 cents to the dollar on the amount I lost on Calpine, Enron, ATHM, Winn Dixie, Lucent and so on. I just recovered from 2001 redistribution event the internet bubble. I am wiped clean now once again.

The capital markets are the best and biggest wealth re-distribution system!

Better days are ahead! 9 months from now. May be 18 months. Sometime in the future better days are ahead. Just kidding, let us not time the market. Until then...